Important information about Birmingham Resilience

Important information about your Severn Trent water supply. Please read carefully. If your business carries out processes which rely on specific water chemistry, you may need to take action.

  • What is happening?
    Your water is currently sourced by Severn Trent from the Elan Valley in Wales and is transported to Birmingham via the Elan Valley Aqueduct (EVA). The EVA was built by the Victorians and after a century of use requires increased maintenance to keep it in service. To enable Severn Trent engineers to get inside the aqueduct and carry out repairs, in the future the EVA is to be taken out of action for up to eight weeks once a year.
  • Whilst repairs are carried out to the aqueduct your water will be sourced from other parts of the Severn Trent region. This change of source will result in a change in the chemical composition of your water. Whilst the water composition will change it will remain within regulatory water quality requirements.
  • Do you need to take action?
    If your business carries out processes sensitive to water chemistry (e.g. heating, cooling, softening, and chemical dosing) or your business practices legionella control management you may need to make changes/adjustments to systems or procedures to prepare for this temporary change.
    Due to the complex range of water use within industrial and manufacturing processes Severn Trent cannot advise if specific processes will be affected. If you have concerns you are advised to contact your equipment manufacturer. For full details of the water composition range visit the Severn Trent website and see the ‘Frequently Asked Questions’.
    If your business uses water for domestic purposes only i.e. kitchens and toilets, you can continue with normal water use.


A change in supply will take place from 12th October for up to four weeks, during which the water composition will be different. Dates for future planned changes to supply will be available on the Severn Trent website up to three months in advance.


Changes in supply will take place from March 2020 for a duration of up to eight weeks, during this period the water composition will be different. Dates for changes to supply will be available on the Severn Trent website up to three months in advance.