Your Fixed Line & Absolute Fibre Broadband Special Offer Order Form

We just need a few quick details to get the ball rolling on your new services..

Please complete this short form below to take advantage of your special Absolute Fibre Broadband offer. You’ll be entering into new contracts for your fixed line and broadband services. We’ll send you the paperwork, which includes our key terms. You should read this carefully and, if you’re happy, you can sign.

Once you have signed, we’ll order your new Absolute Fibre Broadband service and send you a brand-new Wi-Fi 6 router. We’ll write to you to let you know your expected service start date. Your new fixed line contract will start on the same date.

Absolute Fibre Broadband Speed Information

Absolute Fibre Broadband Speed Up to 76Mbps Download Speed/Up to 19Mbps Upload Speed

Variances Download Speed Upload Speed
Maximum 76 Mbps 19 Mbps
Average 67 Mbps 16 Mbps
Minimum <1 Mbps <1 Mbps


Speeds based on download and upload speed range (see table above). The actual speed you will receive is subject to line distance from the principal connection point to your premises and line quality. The actual speed you will receive is subject to line distance from the exchange, or principal connection point for fibre connections, and line quality. Speeds vary significantly by location. External factors e.g., internet congestion and premises wiring can also significantly affect speed. Absolute Fibre Broadband is subject to exchange availability. If Absolute Fibre Broadband isn’t available, we’ll contact you to discuss other options.

You can view your full terms and conditions here: